Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Saturday project...

My currently a feather explosion. It looks as if a flock of birds swooped in...decided it was streaking weather...and left their fluff as a new form of carpet on my floor...table...chairs...and even on my cats. I sell feather accessories on Etsy, and it has relaly taken over my tiny 1 bedroom condo. My business is growing faster than my home will allow. The result, everything that I touch is immediately covered in feathers. My fiance, my cats, and my shameless self are all eternally covered in feathers.

I've been really loving making feather wedding bouquets recently. I received my second custom order a few weeks ago, and once all of my supplies arrived I couldn't wait to get started. I finished it this afternoon. The customer wanted ivory, black, and white feathers. We found these great black and rhinestone buttons to mix amongst the feathers. The handle is a black satin, with a vintage black and rhinestone brooch to add some flair. I can't wait to get it shipped out to her!

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